Trekking Stories
For and by hikers

Müller hut with Mt. Ollivier

By far the most beautiful day hike I've ever done! A 360° panoramic view, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and the thunderous sound of breaking glacier chunks. An absolute must-do in New Zealand!

A hike of 5.2 km and approximately 4 hours one way (plus 30 minutes to Mt. Ollivier). There's the option to stay overnight at the Müller Hut, where the starry sky reportedly shines brilliantly at night! However, booking this far in advance is necessary.

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  • Mueller Hut, New Zealand (m)
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The Route
The hike begins via the Kea Point Track at the Visitor Centre. If you decide to stay overnight at the Müller Hut, you must also register in the system here. You can also start the route a bit further at the White Horse Hill car park, which is also a camping spot and the start of the Hooker Valley Track. From here, the route starts steeply uphill with two hours of stair climbing.

Upon reaching the Sealy Tarns, the view is more than worth it! Many people stop at this point and turn back, but this is such a shame because the best is yet to come.

After this, the hike continues upward, and more snow patches appear, sometimes making the route slightly less clear. But it's all worth it when you reach the top of the mountain ridge and see the stunning Müller Glacier and the snow-covered ice fields on Mt. Sefton.

After taking numerous photos and expressing joyous exclamations, it's another 20 minutes along the mountain ridge and snow patches to the Müller Hut, where you can then take a break.

From the Müller Hut, it's also possible to climb the adjacent Mt. Ollivier. It's a steep climb of 30 minutes. The route up is not marked, and the view wasn't more spectacular, so considering the dangerous route, I wouldn't fully recommend it. However, this is the first peak Sir Edmund Hillary climbed, the man who eventually became the first to summit Mt. Everest. So perhaps a career in mountaineering awaits you too ;)

The return journey follows the same route back down.

Most Important Tip: Wait for clear weather
The weather is very unpredictable in Mt. Cook, and there's only something to see of Mt. Cook and the surroundings under a radiant blue sky. That's why I also advise planning multiple days in Mt. Cook so that you'll definitely have a nice day, otherwise, you still won't have seen the beautiful mountains. I was there for 4 days and only on the 3rd day could I see the snow-capped mountains for the first time. Some other backpackers gave up after two days and never saw the mountains, so persevere because it's really worth it!